Posts tagged Rapid7角度

4分钟 Managed 检测和响应 (耐多药)

The Empty SOC Shop: Where Has All the Talent Gone?

Here's a closer look at some strategies you can use to address churn 和 staffing shortages in your security operations center (SOC).

5分钟 公共政策

Navigating the Evolving Patchwork of Incident Reporting Requirements

Rapid7 is supportive of CIRCIA 和 cyber incident reporting, but we encourage regulators to ensure reporting rules do not impose unnecessary burdens.

2分钟 事件

[VIDEO] An Inside Look at the RSA 2022 Experience From the Rapid7 Team​

We asked four Rapid7 team members to tell us a little bit about their RSAC 2022 experience.

4分钟 脆弱性管理

The Hidden Harm of Silent Patches

Silent patches limit who underst和s how to exploit a vulnerability, which sounds like a great plan — but there's a catch.

4分钟 Ransomware

A Year on from the Ransomware Task Force Report

We're marking the anniversary of the Ransomware Task Force’s (RTF) report, which offered 48 recommendations to deter 和 respond to ransomware attacks

4分钟 Rapid7文化

The Forecast Is Flipped: Flipping L&新员工培训博士

The Rapid7 People Development team challenged convention 和 recently evolved the onboarding program to address the needs of our evolving business 和 the future of work.

3分钟 Rapid7文化

Security for All: How the Rapid7 网络安全 Foundation Will Exp和 Access 和 包容

Rapid7’s mission is to advance cybersecurity for all — 和 an essential part of that effort is making the field 和 its best resources easier to access.

4分钟 公共政策

New US Law to Require Cyber Incident Reports

The Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 will require critical infrastructure owners 和 operators to report cyber incidents 和 ransomware payments. This post will walk through highlights from the new law.

4分钟 公共政策

Prudent 网络安全 Preparation for the Potential Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Fending off an attack from a well-resourced nation state is a nightmare scenario for cybersecurity teams. Here are some steps your organization can take to bolster its defenses.

4分钟 研究

Evolving How We Share Rapid7 研究 Data

Our goal for Open Data has been to enable others to participate in these efforts, increasing the positive impact across the community.

10分钟 Ransomware

Ransomware: Is Critical Infrastructure in the Clear?

Is critical infrastructure in the clear, is it a specific target of ransomware attackers, or is it simply on the same footing as any other organization?

2分钟 网络安全

Rapid7 状态ment on the New St和ard Contractual Clauses for International Transfers of Personal Data

Rapid7 is committed to upholding high st和ards of privacy 和 security for our customers, 和 we are pleased to be able to offer the New SCCs.

10分钟 公共政策

Reforming the UK’s Computer Misuse Act

The CMA is the UK’s anti-hacking law, 和 we've ​provided feedback on the issues we see with the legislation.

2分钟 Rapid7角度

Rapid7 Acquires Leading Kubernetes Security Provider, Alcide

We at Rapid7 are happy to announce that we have acquired Alcide, a leader in Kubernetes security based in Tel Aviv, 以色列.

3分钟 Rapid7角度


In this blog, Jeff Gardner, Rapid7's new 检测 & 响应 Practice Advisor, discusses why he decided to join Rapid7.